Trading, Branding, & Change !!!

2007-12-28 Leave a Comment


Finally... I've reset this blog again since I felt that my previous blog was absolutely rubbish. And now, I'll never talk to you if my current blog is adorable, educative, or many other spectacular words that can make a blog fantastic. But at least, this is better than previous one.

In this blog, I typed that the world is about trading. why did I type those words? It's not solely that I'm a business student, but more than that. Trading, what is trading? trading is a mechanism between many sides for exchanging something that they're owned. It has done since pre-history era. In those moments, the trade doesn't use any medium of exchange like money, in which goods or services are exchanged for other goods and/or services too. I'm interested in many real phenomenon that all of things have been practiced. For instance, an employee actually just sell his labor so that the firm give them some incentives like wage, salary, bonus, etc. Even in Pariaman's culture, a marriage is decided based-on bride's side bid. If the groom is a doctor, for instance, consequently the bid offer will be higher than a farm. So as man-woman dating in Jakarta, in which a man must have something special that can be "sold" against the woman in order to the woman is interested in him. If the man is poor,whether in financial or educational position, then he'll get the couple in same or similar with him. It's like a supply-demand theory in the equilibrium market. That's above, only little instances that's occurred in this world.

The world actually is about branding too. Brand is not only needed by the companies for positioning themselves into customer minds, but also needed by the human for same things as the companies. Brand refers to reputation, something that can be made a good or bad impression in the first acquaintance against another peoples. In the marketing science that I've been studied, brand can be emerging if the companies have some differentiation surpassed with another competitors. So as in the human. Labeling theory in sociology science also confirm the justification above, when someone that have been labeled as a culprit, he will undergo a big deal about his position in the people's mind since the people has sentenced him, "He is a culprit !!!"

The world is also about change. As we know that the global culture must have been encountering some changes and we can't deny it. Many sides that couldn't survive in this world because they couldn't adapt in the new era. Like dinosaurus, that couldn't acclimate to new world, they will be entirely disappeared. Change can be occurred to everyone, everything, everywhere, etc. We shouldn't close our eyes for receiving them.

At last but not least, this is my blog, in which I'm gonna shed my ideas or my opinions. It's all about everything that have been teased my life. And eventually, I'll need your comments so much for my ideas. So I just wanna say, "Bienvenue ! Les boissons sont de ce côté-ci."


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