Happy Birthday to you, Aluna

2008-08-11 Leave a Comment

God gave a gift to the world when you were born—
a person who loves, who cares,
who sees a person’s need and fills it,
who encourages and lifts people up,
who spends energy on others
rather than himself,
someone who touches each life he enters,
and makes a difference in the world,
because ripples of kindness flow outward
as each person you have touched, touches others.

Your birthday deserves to be a national holiday,
because you are a special treasure
for all that you’ve done.
May the love you have shown to others
return to you, multiplied.
I wish you the happiest of birthdays,
and many, many more,
so that others have time to appreciate you
as much as I do.

---Happy Birthday to Aluna Sagita Gutawa---
11 August 1993

Lilin kecil menyala disini | Kuredupkan kembali | Kupanjatkan doa tulus & suci | Kuingat hari ini ultahmu | Usiamu semakin dewasa | Dimasa remaja yang ceria | Bunga ditaman hatiku | Yang tumbuh indah wangi kasih hanya kupersembahkan untukmu | selamat ulang tahun ku ucapkan | sambutlah hari indah bahagia | selamat ulang tahun untuk kamu | Panjang umur didalam hidupmu | Trimalah kadoku buat kamu | Yang kupersembahkan lewat blog ini

Yang Jalan itu lirik lagunya Elite - Selamat Ulang Tahun
Penulis adalah calon suami sekaligus fans berat Gita Gutawa


  • Anonymous said:  

    heleh heleh...

    mas fajar menopo ragi gandrung..?

  • Anonymous said:  

    makasih banyak kak, 'ta ngrasa tersanjung bgt jadinya... :)

  • Syamsul Alam said:  

    Gita ngomenin hal gak jelas ini!! Gita beneran!!!

  • Fajar Indra said:  


    sungguh, gue baru tau juga kalo ada gita benerannya


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